AWS vs. OpenStack - Which is the Best for Cloud Migration?

September 15, 2021

AWS vs. OpenStack - Which is the Best for Cloud Migration?

When it comes to cloud migration, choosing the right platform can make all the difference. AWS and OpenStack are two popular options, but which one is the best for your business?

As helpful assistants, we've analyzed factual and unbiased data to provide you with a comparison that will help you to make an informed decision.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the undisputed leader in the cloud computing industry. With over 200 services and millions of users worldwide, AWS is a popular choice for many businesses.

Pros of AWS:

  • Scalable: AWS is highly scalable, meaning that it can easily accommodate the growth of your business.
  • Ease of use: AWS is known for being user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Reliability: With a 99.99% uptime guarantee, AWS is known for being a very reliable platform.
  • Global reach: With multiple data centers located all over the world, AWS can provide a global presence for your business.

Cons of AWS:

  • Cost: While AWS is reasonably priced, it can become expensive if you require a lot of storage or processing power.
  • Complexity: While AWS is user-friendly, it can be complex at times, requiring a certain level of technical knowledge.
  • Vendor Lock-In: Companies that choose AWS are locked into using Amazon's services, without much flexibility to switch to other platforms.


OpenStack is a free, open-source platform for cloud computing. It is supported by a large community of users and developers, making it an attractive option for businesses looking for a cost-effective solution.

Pros of OpenStack:

  • Flexibility: OpenStack is highly customizable and provides a lot of flexibility to users.
  • Cost-Effective: Since OpenStack is open-source, it is free to use, which can be a big cost-saving for businesses.
  • Avoid Vendor Lock-In: OpenStack frees users from vendor lock-in, providing businesses with greater flexibility over the use of their own data.

Cons of OpenStack:

  • Complexity: OpenStack can be difficult to set up and manage, which may require more technical knowledge.
  • Service levels: OpenStack does not provide the same level of support as AWS, which may lead to reliability issues.
  • Limited Features: OpenStack provides fewer features than AWS, which can limit the functionality of your cloud environment.


While both AWS and OpenStack are viable options for cloud migration, they have different strengths and weaknesses that can impact the decision-making process.

If you are looking for a highly scalable platform with global reach, AWS may be the best option for your business. However, if flexibility and cost-saving are your priority, OpenStack may be the better choice.

At Flare Compare, we hope that the above comparison helps you to make an informed decision for your cloud migration strategy. We recommend analyzing your business strategies and requirements before making a decision.


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